December 2, 2015Blog Film Industry
A film director oversees the production of a film or television series from its written creation as a screenplay to the final visual product seen...
November 23, 2015Blog Cinematography Films
Popular film subjects reflect the spirit of the times, especially when it comes to genre movies. The radiation-themed horror movies of the 1950s were products...
November 7, 2015Blog Directing Films
Deus ex machina is a literary device which was used in ancient Greek drama where a god would be introduced in the play to resolve...
The Video Revolution
Story-telling might be one of the oldest characteristics of being human. From cave paintings that depict a hunt in action to Egyptian tombs that describe...
When Steven Spielberg was 16, his filmmaking assets consisted of his dad's Super-8, the high school's theater class, and a $500 budget. His distribution network...
Post-production digital enhancement and CGI have become critical elements to visual storytelling, especially in some of moviegoers' favorite genres. Think about how much Peter Jackson's...
The small screen has traditionally been considered small in more ways than one. While film has produced the biggest stars and some of the most...